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crazy, but happy :-)

Friday, March 15, 2013

It Might be Spring!

It is GLORIOUS outside! I am so ready for summer! I opened the windows today and maybe, just maybe the house will smell less like dog by this evening (one can dream). The weather channel says high of 77° today and it certainly looks like it will get there. Dolbi Downer pipes in that the high tomorrow is 48° - boo!

Paiger has her Buttons girls club meeting today and we are heading to the park for it. That means I'm taking two babies, one of whom (mine) would love nothing more than to just eat dirt - all the dirt - so that should be fun.

Lucille showing Abby love; Abby justifiably concerned about how this might end.

Today, I also scheduled a Sno Biz remote for April 5, so get ready Moreau Heights, here we come! I am super excited about this and it comes at a perfect time, since we need to purchase about 100 bags (500 lbs) of sugar next month and I *may* suck at saving money from last season to do things like that.

Last year's initial haul

And to round out the random thoughts, both babies are sleeping so I got to read (and write, obviously) a bit and I am loving this blog today: 
 life rearranged

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