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crazy, but happy :-)

Saturday, March 22, 2008

Thank you!!

I just wanted to take a minute to thank my Central MO group.

Let me start by saying that not all parts of history making, paradigm shifting, women empowering legislative activities are exciting. As a matter of fact, *many* tasks are actually mundane, which makes finding people to do them a bit rough.

This week, Halley Watson, Jesca Byndom, and Halley's friend Emily worked for several hours on looking up the 4 digit extensions for the zip codes in our database. Without these, I can't find the House and Senate districts which we need to better focus our activities, eg: asking people in a certain district to make calls or send notes when their Senator needs special attention. Using the information they gathered saved me at least six hours of mind-numbing work and I can not express how happy it made me!!


Friday, March 21, 2008

Body Parts

Did I ever mention I'm an interesting kind of girl? Today I am so excited to have a table full of cow's eyeballs, sheep's hearts, grasshoppers, frogs, and earthworms! No, Paige hasn't started her descent into insanity and gone on a killing spree (whew.)

I am teaching a dissection class, actually two, for our homeschool co-op next month and all the kits and preserved specimens came today. I'm a bit worried about Levi. He is in the class, but didn't even want to look in the box with me. I hope he will be more willing when it is part of the class.

Monday I get to practice dissecting them. Is it wrong that I am teaching the class so I have an excuse to open up a sheep's heart?

Saturday, March 15, 2008

Central MO FoMM meeting

We had a really good meeting today of the newly rejuvenated Central MO FoMM group. I am very excited about the enthusiasm of some new faces.

I am just beginning to fully grasp how vital our Senate district is in the future of the midwifery cause. There are some pretty good contacts within our group to hopefully break down the current blockade which originates right here in Columbia.

Thursday we are meeting to work on the database which makes me so happy I could cry. I love being in charge of the supporters list because it allows me to make a difference on a time schedule that works for me (I frequently update things at 1:00 am.) That being said, some of the tasks are a bit overwhelming sometimes. I need help looking up the zip+4's and Senate and House districts and finding people to help is a Godsend.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Supreme Court Hearing

So I heard my first Supreme Court case this morning. It was actually a lot more interesting and friendly than I expected. I expected the justices to sit and listen to long-winded lawyers drone on and then maybe ask for a clarification or two. Rather, it was a more informal back and forth discussion between the lawyers and justices. The process reminded me a great deal of the debate tournaments I have judged for our homeschool group.

The State's lawyer was given eight minutes to speak, the other lawyer for our side (the side of all that is right and good in this world, as I like to call them) was allotted three minutes. The Missouri State Medical Association lawyer (the side of personified evil and greed, of course) was given fifteen minutes, after which, our side had four minutes of rebuttal. This might sound like not very much time, except that, I have learned through the debate tournaments that even three minutes can be used in such a way that a tremendous amount of information can be shared. Ahh, unless you happen to be interrupted every fifteen seconds by one justice or another asking you a question! Both sides did a pretty good job of returning to their main points after each question, but the court certainly guided the discussion.

My initial thoughts (those of a person watching her first case, mind you) are that at least three of the justices had made up their mind before we began. Two against us, and one for. The others seemed to be less opinionated and possibly more open minded. I am obviously partial to our side, but will admit that we need some help from justices who don't want to interfere in the legislative process unless really necessary. Our argument is that without this provision making them legal, midwives can not be covered by health insurance. Only one thing would have been needed, in my opinion to make this an open and shut case. One sentence after the one that said anyone certified with a CPM can practice that said they may then apply to be covered by health insurance. Unfortunately, in the last-minute rush to get the bill passed, Senator Loudon didn't think to add that.

Ever the optimist, I hold out hope that the court finds in our favor and the legislature passes the licensure bill, so we are double-covered!

John and Gina Loudon

Here is a really nice video from Senator John and Gina Loudon (the Senator sponsoring our midwifery bill) about why they believe in this movement.


Sunday, March 2, 2008

Letter to the Editor

I had a Letter to the Editor published today in the Columbia Daily Tribune, hopefully, it will do some good to put pressure on Senator Graham to not filibuster this year.

Law should allow midwives to practice home births

Editor, the Tribune: My hospital birth was not a horrible experience, but afterward I began researching childbirth, childbirth providers and locations. At the University of Missouri library, I scoured the medical journals for all comparisons of obstetricians, family practice doctors and midwives. I found no studies that show outcomes to be unfavorable when using a midwife in a planned home birth.

Through word of mouth and a lot of legwork, I eventually found two midwives. One was a Mennonite who was not comfortable coming out of her community. The other was a Certified Nurse Midwife (CNM) who was one of two at the time working legally in the state - now there is one. My husband and I both liked the midwife and her philosophy of pregnancy and childbirth. The birth of my second child at home was an amazing, empowering and relaxed experience.

I later learned about the Certified Professional Midwives certification. The educational requirements are as thorough as the CNM requirements, and the apprenticeship requirements are above and beyond what is expected of CNMs.

My insurance company would have allowed me to deliver in a hospital for one $10 copay but would not cover my midwife. I had no choice but to pay $3,000 out of pocket. It was worth every penny.

There is no scientific or moral reason not to allow these highly skilled midwives to practice in Missouri and for our insurance companies to cover the superior care they provide.

Kolbi Doyle

1222 E. Elm St., Jefferson City