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crazy, but happy :-)

Sunday, March 15, 2009


My housekeeping skills are...lacking (read: nearly non-existent). Several years ago (probably pre-Paige) I started the FLYlady system but, as with all my bright ideas, I didn't stick with it. I'm ready to try again, though. If you aren't familiar with her, she is a pretty common sense, although a bit too organized for me, housekeeper.


I am not going full-on though, I've picked the things that make the most difference and actually bug me. So, here's my abbreviated FLY:

Spend 5 minutes a day, with the kidlets, on these things:

shine sinks (her personal number one)
straighten coffee table
straighten top of microwave
empty trash cans if needed
empty dishwasher if needed
make to-do list
file or trash mail
fold clean laundry
make bed (read: throw duvet on straight)

Do one of these things each day so they get done at least weekly:

change sheets
scrub tub
clean glass

That's it. Surely I can keep that up, right?? If that becomes a habit I might try to add in some of the other stuff she does, but even if I don't the house will be so much better!

1 comment:

Laurel said...

That's great, Kolbi! Sounds like you're setting some reasonable goals for yourself. When it comes to the house, I've always found that's more helpful than shooting for the moon.